Version: 2.0.0-alpha.40


To build the static files of your website for production, run:

npm run build

Once it finishes, you should see the production build under the build/ directory.

You can deploy your site to static site hosting services such as ZEIT Now, GitHub Pages, Netlify, and Render. Docusaurus sites are statically rendered so they work without JavaScript too!

Deploying to ZEIT Now

Deploying your Docusaurus project to ZEIT Now will provide you with various benefits in the areas of performance and ease of use.

Most importantly, however, deploying a Docusaurus project only takes a couple seconds:

  1. First, install their command-line interface:
npm i -g now
  1. Run a single command inside the root directory of your project:

That's all. Your docs will automatically be deployed.

Now you can connect your site to GitHub or GitLab to automatically receive a new deployment every time you push a commit.

Deploying to GitHub Pages

Docusaurus provides a easy way to publish to GitHub Pages.

docusaurus.config.js settings

First, modify your docusaurus.config.js and add the required params:

organizationNameThe GitHub user or organization that owns the repository. If you are the owner, it is your GitHub username. In the case of Docusaurus, it is "facebook" which is the GitHub organization that owns Docusaurus.
projectNameThe name of the GitHub repository. For example, the repository name for Docusaurus is "docusaurus", so the project name is "docusaurus".
urlURL for your GitHub Page's user/organization page. This is commonly
baseUrlBase URL for your project. For projects hosted on GitHub pages, it follows the format "/projectName/". For, baseUrl is /docusaurus/.

In case you want to use your custom domain for GitHub Pages, create a CNAME file in the static directory. Anything within the static directory will be copied to the root of the build directory for deployment.

You may refer to GitHub Pages' documentation User, Organization, and Project Pages for more details.


module.exports = {
url: '', // Your website URL
baseUrl: '/',
projectName: '',
organizationName: 'endiliey'

Environment settings

Specify the Git user as an environment variable.

GIT_USERThe username for a GitHub account that has commit access to this repo. For your own repositories, this will usually be your GitHub username. The specified GIT_USER must have push access to the repository specified in the combination of organizationName and projectName.

There are two more optional parameters that are set as environment variables:

USE_SSHSet to true to use SSH instead of the default HTTPS for the connection to the GitHub repo.
CURRENT_BRANCHThe branch that contains the latest docs changes that will be deployed. Usually, the branch will be master, but it could be any branch (default or otherwise) except for gh-pages. If nothing is set for this variable, then the current branch will be used.


Finally, to deploy your site to GitHub Pages, run:




cmd /C "set "GIT_USER=<GITHUB_USERNAME>" && yarn deploy"

Deploying to Netlify

To deploy your Docusaurus 2 sites to Netlify, first make sure the following options are properly configured:

// docusaurus.config.js
module.exports = {
url: '', // url to your site with no trailing slash
baseUrl: '/', // base directory of your site relative to your repo

Then, create your site with Netlify.

While you set up the site, specify the build commands and directories as follows:

  • build command: npm run build
  • build directory: build

If you did not configure these build options, you may still go to "Site settings" -> "Build and deploy" after your site is created.

Once properly configured with the above options, your site should deploy and automatically redeploy upon merging to your deploy branch, which defaults to master.

Deploying to Render

Render offers free static site hosting with fully managed SSL, custom domains, a global CDN and continuous auto deploys from your Git repo. Deploy your app in just a few minutes by following these steps.

  1. Create a new Web Service on Render, and give Render permission to access your Docusaurus repo.

  2. Select the branch to deploy. The default is master.

  3. Enter the following values during creation.

    EnvironmentStatic Site
    Build Commandyarn build
    Publish Directorybuild

That's it! Your app will be live on your Render URL as soon as the build finishes.

Last updated on by Ondřej Nepožitek