Version: 2.0.0-alpha.43


Initial setup

To setup your site's blog, start by creating a blog directory.

Then, add a navbar link to your blog within docusaurus.config.js:

links: [
{to: 'blog', label: 'Blog', position: 'left'}, // or position: 'right'

Adding posts

To publish in the blog, create a file within the blog directory with a formatted name of The post date is extracted from the file name.

For example, at my-website/blog/

title: Welcome Docusaurus v2
author: Joel Marcey
author_title: Co-creator of Docusaurus 1
tags: [hello, docusaurus-v2]
Welcome to this blog. This blog is created with [**Docusaurus 2 alpha**](
This is my first post on Docusaurus 2.
A whole bunch of exploration to follow.

Header options

The only required field is title; however, we provide options to add author information to your blog post as well along with other options.

  • author - The author name to be displayed.
  • author_url - The URL that the author's name will be linked to. This could be a GitHub, Twitter, Facebook profile URL, etc.
  • author_image_url - The URL to the author's thumbnail image.
  • author_title - A description of the author.
  • title - The blog post title.
  • tags - A list of strings to tag to your post.

Summary truncation

Use the <!--truncate--> marker in your blog post to represent what will be shown as the summary when viewing all published blog posts. Anything above <!--truncate--> will be part of the summary. For example:

title: Truncation Example
All this will be part of the blog post summary.
Even this.
But anything from here on down will not be.
Not this.
Or this.


You can generate RSS/ Atom feed by passing feedOptions.

feedOptions?: {
type: 'rss' | 'atom' | 'all';
title?: string;
description?: string;
copyright: string;
language?: string; // possible values:

Example usage:

// docusaurus.config.js
module.exports = {
// ...
presets: [
blog: {
feedOptions: {
type: 'all',
copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Facebook, Inc.`,

Accessing the feed:

The feed for RSS can be found at


and for atom


Advanced topics

Blog-only mode

You can run your Docusaurus 2 site without a landing page and instead have your blog's post list page as the index page. Set the routeBasePath to be '/' to indicate it's the root path.

Note: Make sure there's no index.js page in src/pages or else there will be two files mapping to the same route!

// docusaurus.config.js
module.exports = {
// ...
presets: [
blog: {
path: './blog',
routeBasePath: '/', // Set this value to '/'.
Last updated on by Yangshun Tay